2010. szeptember 27., hétfő


achraf amiri fashion illustration 3 600x360 Achraf Amiri Fashion Illustrations
Discovered via our Submit Site, the sassy fashion illustrations of young Belgian artist Achraf Amiri are awesome, with his very own style, he is mocking the fashion industry with his stunning colorful illustrations. LOVE IT!!

achraf amiri fashion illustration 1 600x476 Achraf Amiri Fashion Illustrations
achraf amiri fashion illustration 600x240 Achraf Amiri Fashion Illustrations
achraf amiri fashion illustration 2 600x392 Achraf Amiri Fashion Illustrations
achraf amiri fashion illustration 4 600x409 Achraf Amiri Fashion Illustrations
achraf amiri fashion illustration 5 600x512 Achraf Amiri Fashion Illustrations
achraf amiri fashion illustration 6 600x418 Achraf Amiri Fashion Illustrations
achraf amiri fashion illustration 7 600x400 Achraf Amiri Fashion Illustrations
achraf amiri fashion illustration 8 600x399 Achraf Amiri Fashion Illustrations
achraf amiri fashion illustration 9 600x435 Achraf Amiri Fashion Illustrations
achraf amiri fashion illustration 10 600x443 Achraf Amiri Fashion Illustrations
achraf amiri fashion illustration 11 600x426 Achraf Amiri Fashion Illustrations
achraf amiri fashion illustration 12 600x410 Achraf Amiri Fashion Illustrations

2010. szeptember 17., péntek

Ma esti hangulat - MCEL MFW Fashion Week

The African culture is on the streets, in museums, history books and in wardrobes.MCEL MFW Fashion Week: Wardrobes

Discover the Africa you can't see on National Geographic.

 MCEL MFW Fashion Week: National Geographic

You can talk about Africa, long legs and beauty without necessarily referring to a giraffe.

MCEL MFW Fashion Week: Giraffe

Fashion found out something that society should already know: no one color is better than another.

MCEL MFW Fashion Week: Fashion

African fashion brings back what the apartheid abolished: harmony between colors

MCEL MFW Fashion Week: Apartheid

Parading in high heels is nothing for those who balance a bowl on their head.

MCEL MFW Fashion Week: High heels